Kevin Yank

Recent articles (page 17 of 31)

  1. Need some cuteness in your life?

    Guinea pigs packed and ready to go Sunny and Toffee will be homeless for four weeks in July and August, while Jess and I are away on holiday. Would you like to have them stay with you for some or all of that time? We will check them into a guinea pig hotel if necessary, but we'd much rather them stay with someone who could show them some love and affection, not just feed them.

  2. Truth is Sometimes Even Stranger than Monty Python

    After legally parking her car to go to the hairdressers, Shirley Hatcher returned to find a disabled parking bay had been painted around it and she had been given a ticket. Python's rampaging "Keep Left" signs come to mind.

  3. RRR Interview MP3

    My interview about SitePoint and our new AJAX book is available for the next four weeks in MP3 format on the Byte Into It web site. More permanently, you can also grab it here: RRR AJAX Interview (MP3, 10MB).

  4. Talkin' AJAX on RRR

    I'll be appearing on RRR's Byte Into It tonight (102.7FM in Melbourne) between 7PM and 8PM to talk about AJAX and plug SitePoint's latest book, Build Your Own AJAX Web Applications. There is a podcast feed for the show, or you can just download the episode from the archive if you prefer. I'll mirror it here once it goes live.

  5. iDon'tChatGay

    I have received an alarming number of instant messages from bumpy, tanned men interested in "cam fun" over the past few days. What at first seemed like an increasingly improbable coincidence has at last been explained: someone has posted my AOL Instant Messenger screen name on a gay chat web site, (NSFW).