When using the Firefox extension to post a link to the del.icio.us social bookmarking service, I've often typed long, informative descriptions into the "Notes" field, only to see that text cut short when I submit the link.

It turns out this is a bit of lazy programming on the part of the fine folks at del.icio.us. The HTML multi-line text area element doesn't natively support limiting the amount of text you enter, so instead of writing some JavaScript to enforce the 255-character limit, they just quietly chop off any extra text without letting you know.

Since I use del.icio.us extensively to produce the SitePoint News Wire, I can't afford to check every description I write for clipping, so I've produced a Greasemonkey script that, when installed in Firefox, stops you from typing more than 255 characters into the "Notes" field of the del.icio.us posting form.

Grab the script.

Note: There is an old script that purports to do the same thing in the repository at userscripts.org. Sadly, it is out-of-date and does not work with the current del.icio.us posting form.