Kevin Yank

Recent articles in funny (page 2 of 4)

  1. Coffee in Portland

    The difference between Australia and the United States can be concisely stated by citing the espresso menu at The Coffee People, Portland Airport, Oregon:

    Espresso Drinks:
    • Mindsweeper™
    • Black Tiger Mocha
    • Slammahamma™

  2. Idea for an Extreme Sport

    Inflight Jenga.

  3. Truth is Sometimes Even Stranger than Monty Python

    After legally parking her car to go to the hairdressers, Shirley Hatcher returned to find a disabled parking bay had been painted around it and she had been given a ticket. Python's rampaging "Keep Left" signs come to mind.

  4. iDon'tChatGay

    I have received an alarming number of instant messages from bumpy, tanned men interested in "cam fun" over the past few days. What at first seemed like an increasingly improbable coincidence has at last been explained: someone has posted my AOL Instant Messenger screen name on a gay chat web site, (NSFW).

  5. Kev Eats Vegemite

    Haven't been listening to Lost Out Back? Check out our latest episode, in which I try Vegemite for the very first time. Can you guess if I liked it? If you're not hip to this whole Podcasting groove, you can sign up to be notified by email every time we post a new episode so you can listen to it online.