Kevin Yank

Recent articles in personal (page 7 of 12)

  1. Jessi Goes To North America

    Jess is blogging our trip! 100% more detail and Kev-bashing than this blog.

  2. Drink Klutz

    Apparently in the US I'm a klutz with drinks. Yesterday at lunch with Nathan and Casey in Olympia, a glass of ice water slipped out of my hand, tipped over, and poured itself across the restaurant table and onto my lap. I had to hang up my jeans in the sun all afternoon to dry the front. Then, that same night at dinner (again, with Nathan and Casey), I did the exact same thing with a large glass of root beer. Nathan's stepdaughter Hayden laughed giddily at my sticky predicament. Jess was suitably mortified. Then today, on my way to the evening sessions at OSCON in Portland, I stepped off a curb and into a sewer grating, and in regaining my balance dumped half of the Dr. Pepper I had just bought from Subway down my arm. For those keeping score at home, that's three self-drenchings in 24 hours. Is there a name for this syndrome?

  3. Travel Travails

    Melbourne to SydneySpending the night in Olympia at Sausage Software survivor Nathan Allan's B&B, The Swantown Inn. It's good to finally decompress after what would probably be my worst trip across the Pacific in terms of things going wrong along the way. Since this was Jess's first introduction to international air travel (New Zealand doesn't count), there have been some trying times over the past 48 hours. A play-by-play of the trip follows.

  4. Hitting the Road

    Jess and I are away for four weeks starting today, with stops planned in Portland (Oregon), Ottawa, Montreal and Tahoe. Watch my Flickr stream for snaps from the road, and this blog for updates.

  5. Post Tangential

    Though Tangents continues for at least two more weeks, Jess and I are off on a trip overseas in just a few days, which means my final show for the run was last Sunday. And what a final show it was! It's not especially useful to dwell on your successes in improvisation, because the very next week could very easily see you crash and burn, but hey---we freakin' rocked.