Recent articles in geekdom (page 3 of 8)
Jul 10, 2006
Back To The Future: The Enhantment Under the Sea Dance Revisited
Taken together, the BTTF trilogy is still my very favourite film, which for me makes this split-screen synchronized edit of the coinciding events of BTTF 1 and 2 fifteen minutes of pure bliss.
Jun 9, 2006
Huge Google Earth Update
With this update, the southeast of Melbourne is now in high-resolution, as is Jess's home town of Hamilton!
May 24, 2006
Jules has whipped up this sexy Google Maps mashup for sharing bike routes.
May 19, 2006
A Scanner Darkly
While I wait for the rest of the trailer to download, I thought I'd post about just how jaw-droppingly awesome the upcoming film A Scanner Darkly looks.
Yes, it's got Keanu Reeves in it. I still haven't forgiven him for his role in Constantine (which could have been a brilliant adaptation of one of my favourite comic series if not for the unstoppable Hollywood mediocrity machine), but his acting style does seem to suit the brain-damaged character it seems he will portray in this film. From the makers of Waking Life, A Scanner Darkly features the same 2D computer animation process as that film, except it looks like both the technology and the artists have raised their game in this one. The heightened portrayal of real-world people and places that results is both incredibly detailed and satisfyingly stylized. The artwork is also distinctly more illustrative and realistic than the often painterly looks of Waking Life. And if the eye candy weren't enough, the story of A Scanner Darkly is adapted from the Philip K. Dick novel of the same name. That's the kind of material that's hard to mess up.
May 12, 2006
Adult Comics
As a dedicated reader of a number of comic titles that are "suggested for mature readers" (e.g. Y! The Last Man, Lucifer, Fables and Hellblazer), I enjoyed the most recent issue of comic strip Dork Tower. It's all true.