Kevin Yank

Recent articles in personal (page 2 of 12)

  1. Simply JavaScript

    Simply JavaScript.jpg
    It’s aliiiiiiiiiive! The first copies of Simply JavaScript—SitePoint’s latest book, co-written by me and Cameron Adams—have arrived! And if you’ll forgive my obvious bias, it looks awesome.

  2. Jess is a Full-time Teacher

    After six months of casual relief teaching work, Jess was hired today to teach Drama and English at Koonung Secondary College!

  3. Empty Inbox

    Screenshot of my empty inboxLook ma – no unread email! At the risk of tempting fate, I’m posting it for all to see: my email inbox is empty! This time last week, I had some 1,000 unread messages vying for my attention. Things were starting to slip through the cracks, and it was time for a big cleanup.

  4. Sunny Gets a Little Work Done

    SunnyAfter a week on antibiotics, our guinea pig Sunny is at the vet today having a conspicuous growth removed from his abdomen. The bump is mysterious, but we expect him to be fine. At home with Jess, Toffee seems lost without his big brother. The pair haven't been apart for more than an hour in their entire lives! Update: Sunny's home and doing fine. He'll have a cool scar to show the ladies.

  5. Impro A Go-Go

    Smells Like A Song 2007 photoThe 2007 Melbourne International Comedy Festival is winding down, and for me at least it has been a festival to remember. Having recently joined the ranks of Impro Melbourne's talented ensemble, this was the first Festival where I took to the stage! Joining on opening night the cast of Impro Melbourne's production of Smells Like a Song was a privilege … not to mention a blast!