Kevin Yank

Recent articles in web development (page 2 of 5)

  1. CSS Selectors Redux

    Last month in Sydney and Melbourne I was honoured to speak at Respond 2016, the third Web Directions conference at which I’ve had the privilege of speaking after Web Essentials 2006 and Web Directions South 2009. John Allsopp assigned me a great topic that would never have occurred to me otherwise: CSS selectors.

  2. Melbourne Web Developers Fireside Chat

    This Thursday, August 14th, I’ll be speaking at the Melbourne Web Developers meetup in a “fireside chat” with event organiser James Gallichio from General Assembly. The theme of the night is “show me something amazing” (no pressure), so I’m bringing along a few examples of web development that has inspired me lately.

  3. My Sublime Text Setup

    A couple of months ago I produced a video course for about the Sublime Text programmer’s editor, “Up and Running with Sublime Text 2”. One of the best things about producing a course or writing a book is that you get to know your subject *really* well, so after a couple of friends asked me today what I recommend when setting up Sublime Text for the first time, I thought I’d write it up here.

  4. Diet Coda for Modern Web Development

    Following the announcement (and imminent release) of Diet Coda from Panic Software this week, I’ve heard some complaints that it has been designed for a workflow that no longer exists (or shouldn’t). “Edit files directly on my server? Who *does* that anymore!?” Setting aside the fact that there are probably plenty of web developers who still do exactly that, those who think Diet Coda unsuited to a more sophisticated workflow are, I think, simply lacking in imagination.

  5. Pre-order PHP & MySQL: Novice To Ninja, 5th Edition

    At parties, one of the things I tell people I do for a living is write books that teach people how to build websites. It might be more accurate, however, to say I write *a* book: I’ve just written it five times!